1.We have added the Dispense Quantity to the Reference Pricing screen so that you can adjust the dispensed quantity directly from this screen. This enables you to see how much the drugs will cost the patient without having to navigate to the Price tab on the Drug Dispense Panel. You can also easily see how much the alternative items may cost them.


2.We have removed the options illustrated below as this was an unnecessary  step.


The only selection required now is one of the HSE information options, as follows;

  • Branded Generic Prescribed
  • Do Not Sub-Written by Pres
  • INN Prescribed
  • Proprietary Subscribed


3.We have added a check-box “Patient has agreed to pay the supplement”. If you tick this box you are indicating that the patient is willing to pay the supplement. The Patient Supplement Due will be displayed on screen and added to the total charge.
Note: If you choose Do Not Sub-Written by Pres, then the Supplement Charge check-box is no longer visible as it is not relevant.


4.We have added a “Remember my answer” option to this screen. If this is ticked TouchStore Rx willsave the reference price options you have chosen against the dispense. When this item is repeated for this patient, TouchStore Rx will use the previously saved details and will not show the Reference Pricing screen at all. This should save a lot of time on dispensing!!
Note: If you do need to change these options on a repeat you can simply click the REF button beside Total Cost to bring up the Reference Pricing screen again (this button may say OB (P) or OB (D)depending on the reference pricing options chosen):



Important: You can set defaults for the HSE Info and remember my answer options by going into Configuration -> Application -> Reference Pricing: